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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Freelance Web Design

Put your business
On the web... |

I learned how to build websites like this in one month.  If you’re a business owner, make your own!  If you need me to build it, I’m here for that too! 

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Services I Offer

I can build you a website or provide you the software I used to create this one

If you have a business, you should be on the internet.  Do you think it would make you more profit, or less?  Most I’m willing to bet, just think it’s too hard to build a website.  I’m here to tell you it is not.

Try this free plug in!  It helped me build this site in less than 3 hours!


You will need a host. Think of this as the land that your house (website) sits on. It reserves your spot on the internet. It is a yearly cost and is usually lower than $50

Domain Name

You need a name for your website and this is it. This is also a small yearly cost, usually less than $30 per year.


WordPress is basically a drag and drop website builder. The best part about WordPress is that it has a free version and it is all you need1

Elementor Plug in

Once you have WordPress, install a plug in called Elementor. This will truly make your site building so much easier. There is a free version, as well as an expert and pro version.

How I start building a website

This is just what I have found works for me.  Everyone is different but these are some things that I have found help me.

Build your website... Today

Check out other websites

Most of us browse the same few sites without paying much attention.  As you start to understand how websites are built, pay attention to the things you like from other sites.  

Plan before you start building

You should at least have an idea of your site layout.  The way you want it to look with colors, pictures, fonts and animations.  

Take your time

The more time you put into something, usually the better it turns out.  Play around with different layouts, try using a theme instead of building from scratch.  Also try building from scratch, so you can learn while building.

Sound Complicated?

I can build your website for you and for under $500

If you read above, you know there are some costs that are out of my control.  But those costs are pretty low, I mean if you learned how to build your own.. you could run a website for under $100 a year!  

Book a call today!
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus luctus.


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